Mahamanav Mrityunjay Institute of YOGA
Workshop on Yoga & Benefits
Obesity and Yoga
The word Yoga literally means union and it comes from Indian philosophy of life as well as a system of exercises. In this context , yoga refers to the union of the individual's mind, body and spirit. Yoga is a system of spiritual, mental and physical practices that suits people of all ages and levels. Yoga is indeed a physical discipline and it’s ultimate goal is to achieve a state of balance and harmony between mind and body.

The spiritual yoga practice began in ancient India but it is practiced today worldwide by many people for its health benefits. Yoga basically consists of meditation practice, asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises); in fact, it can be practiced easily by anyone within the self-comfort with the right training and motivation. It is relatively simple and if practiced correctly, Yoga can enhance your life and improve your health.

People do yoga for various reasons, some to alleviate back pain, some to become stronger or more flexible or to feel more relaxed and some to improve their body. If the yoga practice is given the right stimulation in the right environment, you will realize that Yoga is not just an exercise; it is a way of life. Yoga is also an excellent stress buster.

Today, a number of people across the globe affirm by the therapeutic effects of Yoga. Hence it works because it has the following health benefits:

  • Increases your body’s strength and flexibility,
  • Relieves you from pain and helps lubrication and easy movement of ligaments, joints and tendons of your body,
  • Gives your body a good massage and thus a better posture,
  • Helps every part of the body receive optimal blood supply and thus balances all the systems of the body,
  • Improves balance and co-ordination and relives from stress,
  • Relaxes mind and body and improves breathing and sleep,
  • Improves focus and concentration, and
  • Helps to reduce weight and tone your muscles.
Well, if you have never practiced Yoga before and planning to begin, it is advisable that you should try some simpler forms before you move on to the more challenging ones. Simultaneously it is also important to understand that Yoga is a process-oriented activity. So the more you practice, more will be comfortable. Hence Yoga is a wonderful way to become better acquainted with your body and enhance your lifestyle. Yoga is a philosophy, not a religion. Adopt it as per your need whether more or less, but keep practicing and keep yourself fit!

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