Mahamanav Mrityunjay Institute of YOGA
Yoga for Back-Pain
Yoga for Arthritis
Yoga for Diabetes
Yoga for Hypertension
Yoga for Gastro
Yoga for Asthama
Yoga for Obesity
Office Yoga
"Hope you find the Solution here"
Our vision is to encourage awareness on Naturopathy and Yoga, as the most competent solution for prolonged health and fitness.
Yoga Therapy Disease therapeutic massage Group Yoga Classes

Since ancient times yoga is used as medication by Rishsis and Munis. Yoga therapy is tested and proven for a long time to cure the people with specific or persistent health challenges. In the present era, yoga therapy is believed to be the most effective complementary therapy for several common ailments. Yoga therapies are performed in a specific regimen of postures, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques that suits individual needs. Its' adaptation of practices aims at benefiting the people to create and maintain an optimum physical, mental, and spiritual health. Understandably, we offer yoga therapy programs in a combination of specific pranayama (breath), asanas (postures), kriyas (a sequence) and meditation to strengthen and balance the various system of our body focus the mind and energize the body while promoting relaxation.

Disease in modern medical perspective is considered as dysfunction of organs and systems which may be due to congenital defects, external atmospheric agents like allergens toxins, pollutants or infectious germs. Modern science does recognise that the other major cause for diseases could be the factor of internal imbalances like mental restlessness, emotional upsurges or intellectual conflicts that lead to stress reactions and finally lead to diseases. The yoga therapy caters to specific diseases and yogic answers to those diseases.

Long working hours throughout the week makes us less connected to our family, friends and social gathering. There does seem to be cause for concern as that causes depression, anxiety and irresponsibleness etc. Regular yoga practice offers solutions to these problems but if done in isolation creates boredom at times. Group classes have advantages of mixing with people with different culture and lifestyle. This gives experience and case sharing benefits etc. thereby helps people socialize and create a sense of community. A group yoga class facilitates camaraderie, focus and a lot of fun as a result people feel energized, balanced and relaxed. Additionally, it can be affordable for everyone as well as motivating as everyone gets motivated and act better. Our group classes are specifically designed in a sequence of exercises for all age groups to provide you the time and breathing space afar the demands of life.

SMET Yoga Awareness Classes Corporate Yoga classes

Stress whether for good or bad cause but has become integral part of our life. When it grows to be uncontrollable, it leads to distress and many other health hazards. Yoga has a very exclusive program called SMET (Self Management of Excessive Tension) for the management of stress. Our SMET program has been specially designed for the corporate people who work under tremendous pressure such as share dealers, critical customer support, financial heads etc. The program has a series of successive motivations and relaxations to release excessive stresses and improve their executive efficiency

Long working hours throughout the week makes us less connected to our family, friends and social gathering. There does seem to be cause for concern as that causes depression, anxiety and irresponsibleness etc. Regular practice of yoga offers the solutions for these issues but if done in isolation creates boredom sometimes. Group classes has advantages of mixing with people with different culture and lifestyle. This gives experience and case sharing benefits etc. thereby creates a sense of community. A group yoga class facilitates camaraderie, focus and a lot of fun as a result people feel energized, balanced and relaxed. Additionally, it can be affordable for everyone as well as motivating as everyone gets motivated and act better. Our group classes are specifically designed in a sequence of exercises for all age groups to provide you the time and breathing space afar the demands of life.

There is no denying that the corporate life apart from success, excellence, ambition and lifestyle also gives us many life threatening health disorders such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Cervical, backache, obesity, heart and Kidney problems etc. Hence our productivity gets reduced due to the stress and work pressure when we are already distressed with such lifestyle and health complications. Yoga deals with the spiritual health of the person and balances all aspects of his body. Routine yoga practice answers to the problems and reduces stress thus enhances productivity and improves morale for the corporate environment. The corporate world does realize the need and arranges specific Yoga programs proven to benefit the overall well being of their employees. We cater for the diverse needs of corporate customers from small to big sized and offer special yoga workshops for their employees.

Naturopathy is a holistic, drugless system of healing with the underlying belief that the 5 elements in the universe – earth, water, air, fire and space – that make up our bodies too have the power to heal our systems of any issues. Naturopathy aims to restore vitality through supporting and stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms by addressing an individual’s lifestyle, genetic-predisposition or dietary imbalances.
It is the most profound medical science that goes deeper and heals from within. It removes dependence from external sources and puts your health back in your hands.
The Five Elements of Naturopathy
From ancient times the human race looked to Nature to provide food, clothing, and shelter. In these times, medicines were not that important, because living in Nature, living with Nature, made the human race natural. But, at the same time the five elements "Pancha Mahabhootas" were an integral part of their life.

  • Water - Hydrotherapeutic methods in the form of Baths, Jets, Douches, Packs, Compresses, Immersions. Water was used for cleaning.
  • Fire - Sun baths, Thermoleum baths, Magnetized water, Colour charged oils / water Fire was used for warmth, for cooking and for purification.
  • Earth - Mud baths, Mud packs, Earth, along with leaves, was used to help heal wounds and rashes.
  • Air - Breathing exercises, Outdoor walking, Open air baths Air is such an essential part of life.
  • Ether - Fasting therapy And the Ether was experienced during the natural phenomena of thunderstorm and lightening.
Treatments of Naturopathy

  • Diet Therapy
  • Mud Therapy
  • Hydro Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
Advantages of Naturopathy

  • No side effects
  • Cost effective
  • It not only relieves patient from the discomfort but cures the dis-ease itself from its base
  • It compels the patient to take active interest in his own health
Weapons of Naturopathy

  • Diet
  • Juice Diet
  • Fasting
  • Exercise
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Mud therapy
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Magneto therapy
  • Colour therapy
  • Yoga & Meditation
Diet Therapy

Hippocrates rightly said let thy food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food. Importance of food in maintaining good health can't be denied. Several advanced dietary research studies have shown that different types of pro biotic elements, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and micronutrients help us ward off several health issues. Various types of fruits and vegetable juices have magical treatment capabilities. Especially, seasonal fruits and vegetables have great ability to increase our vital immunity (jeevani shakti). A balanced diet should contain all type of carbohydrate, Protein, Vitamins & minerals, lacking any of these may lead to health related problems. Avoid:- Dairy product, fried foods, deep fry dishes, non-vegetarian items, spice & junk food like bakery items and other variety of fast food

Mud Therapy

Mud corresponds to the Earth element of the five elements, which the universe is made up of. It has been in use since ages for curing many diseases. It is discovered that mud refreshes and rejuvenates the entire body, warding off lethargy. It is even considered very beneficial for healing wounds and skin diseases. Men can draw vital energy and strength by walking bare foot on the ground. Mud therapy includes mud pack and mud bath.
  • Helps improve circulation and relax the muscles
  • Improves the digestive activity and sets right the metabolism
  • Local application helps relieve inflammations, swellings and reduces pain
  • Excellent in skin conditions without open lesions
  • Helps bring down blood pressure
  • Nourishes the skin
  • Conditions the hair
  • Specific kind of application relieves the stiffness of joints


We are all aware of the fact that, 'water is life' and is one of the essential elements for healthy body. All the important activities of the body are regulated and dependent on water. It carries all the hormones, vitamins, chemicals and oxygen to all the parts of the body. It is therefore called the universal solvent and even serves as a natural remedy for many diseases. As a result, hydrotherapy is used widely for the treatment of varied diseases. Hydrotherapy is the use of water to revitalize, maintain, and restore health. Hydrotherapy treatments include saunas, steam baths, foot baths, sitz baths, and the application of cold and hot water compresses.
  • Helps maintain hydration of the body
  • Helps in proper secretion of body fluids and maintenance of Ph.
  • Aids digestion and prevents constipation
  • Improves skin condition and nourishes it
  • Maintains the flexibility of joints
  • Helps in detoxification

Mud Therapy is a very safe & Natural method.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy is a passive form of exercise and is prevalent since ancient times. Massage basically manipulates the soft tissues of the body, scientifically.The manipulation is done with pressure, including tension, motion, or vibration practiced manually or even mechanically. The therapy can be applied to different tissues of the body including muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, and/or organs of the gastrointestinal system. One of the main reasons for the application of massage therapy is its profound clinical effectiveness.
  • It tones up the body, the nervous system, enhances respiratory system and boosts blood circulation and metabolic purposes.
  • It?also accelerates the elimination of waste and toxins from the body.
  • Removal of facial wrinkles.
  • Fills hollow cheeks and neck.
  • It eases stiffness, numbness and sore muscles.

Analgesic effect of massage useful in treating painful disorders like Neuralgic, Arthritis headache lumbar spondylosis Cervical spondylosis, myalgia etc.


Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing which originated in China and has been practiced there for over 3,000 years. Acupuncture literally means 'needle piercing," the practice of inserting very fine needles into the skin to stimulate specific anatomic points in the body (called acu points or acupuncture points) for therapeutic purposes. Along with the usual method of puncturing the skin with the fine needles, the practitioners of acupuncture also use heat, pressure, friction, suction, or impulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the points. The acupoints (acupuncture points) are stimulated to balance the movement of energy (qi) in the body to restore health.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Historically, acupuncture points were believed to be holes that allow entry into channels. These holes provide us gateways to influence, redirect, increase, or decrease body's vital substance, qi, thus correcting many of the imbalances. Many studies and research were directed since to understand the mechanism of acupuncture.

Representation of the Five Elements

Effects of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the immune system. It also has affects the circulation, blood pressure, rhythm and stroke volume of the heart, secretion of the gastric acid, and production of red and white cells. It also stimulates the release of a variety of hormones that help body to respond to injury and stress. Effects obtained through Acupuncture are:-
  • Analgesic: - Pain relieving, Achieved by raising pain threshold helpful in case of arthritis, headache, low backache.
  • Sedation: - this effect utilized in the treatment of Insomnia, anxiety, addiction, epilepsy & mental disorder.
  • Homeostatic or Regulatory effect: - Adjustment of internal environment of body towards a state of normal balance.
  • Immune Enhancing: - Where by body resistance to disease is strengthened.
This natural healing technique uses applied pressure to specific points on the body to relax trapped nerves and release blockages. It is used both as a preventive and curative therapy. It helps alleviate pain, fatigue and addresses musculoskeletal problems.


This natural healing technique uses applied pressure to specific points on the body to relax trapped nerves and release blockages. It is used both as a preventive and curative therapy. It helps alleviate pain, fatigue and addresses musculoskeletal problems.
  • Induces relaxation and restores balance
  • Stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system.
  • The therapeutic touch stimulates certain chemicals in the brain that boost the immune system, lifts depression and relieves stress.


The life science of Ayurveda dates 5000 Years back in ancient India. Increasingly popular today, simple Ayurvedic herbal medicines treat diseases and disorders of all kinds. Like nature care, Ayurveda is a way of life, often requiring patients to change their lifestyle and eating habits. Ayurveda offers wide range of rejuvenation therapies like panchkarma treatments etc. We at Mriyunjay Yoga Institute, Dehradun use some important Ayurvedic herbs, massage, nasyam etc. Ayurveda emphasizes preventative & healing therapies along with various methods of purification & rejuvenation. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system; it’s a science & art of appropriate living that helps to achieve longevity. It can guide every individual in the proper choice of diet, living habits & exercise to restore balance in the body, mind & consciousness, thus preventing disease from gaining a foothold in the system.


Physiotherapy, also referred to as physical therapy, involves evaluating, diagnosing, and treating a range of diseases, disorders, and disabilities using physical means. It is a science based health care profession which aims to rehabilitate and improve people with movement disorders using evidence-based exercise, motivation, adapted equipment, education and advocacy. This Treatment is based on a detailed understanding of how the body works – posture, balance and movement, knowledge of diseases, injury and the healing process.

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